Horizon Senior Care
Care and Community Regeneration Specialists
Origins and Developments
John Richardson, founder of Horizon Senior Care, developed the first Close Care Retirement Complex in the UK in 1980 to provide care for his father who had suffered a stroke and support for his mother in her capacity as carer. It became evident that other families suffered similar misfortune and the value of the development was quickly realised.
His pioneering developments were years ahead of the time and provided 24 hour on site care and support for emergency and continuing care needs, care for carers, respite care and day care.
Low level care needs were met preventing residents and day care visitors from becoming part of the group with ‘greatest needs’ reducing pressure on GPs and hospital admissions. Facilities and services were available for rehabilitation relieving hospital beds.
Extensive communal facilities included restaurant, reception rooms, café lounge, library, hair and beauty salon and therapy rooms for visiting doctors and chiropodist. The communal facilities were available to residents and visitors.
Activities were encouraged, social groups were formed and developments became living communities.
Staff were involved in front line decisions, their opinions were respected, support was given for personal development and staff retention was high. Young people were taken on Youth Training Schemes; several progressed to nurse training including members of care staff.
Home care services including ground and property maintenance were provided for elderly people living adjacent to developments before domiciliary care was introduced in the 1989 Community Care Bill.
Sales Enquiries
Developments were sold from plan; we have never built a show flat. All properties were sold ahead of the completion of construction giving an indication of the demand 30 years ago – today the need is far greater.
Official Openings
Award ceremony and official opening by
Sir Hal Miller MP
Official opening by Sir Peter Emery MP
Original Development
Exmouth House – Close Care Retirement Complex, Exmouth. Devon
Close Care Retirement Complex consisting of existing residential care home and 22 sheltered flats developed in 1980
The original care home was demolished and rebuilt in 1991
Award Winning Developments
Houseman Park – Close Care Retirement Complex, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire
A town centre development
57 sheltered flats
Residential care home
Communal facilities
Landscaped gardens
Houseman Court
A social event
Hair and beauty salon
Alvechurch Close Care Complex
Little Aston Close Care Complex
Proposed Development
Brochure for Domiciliary Services
Licensed as a Private Employment Agency as the existing licensing authority had not been formed.